Frequently asked questions.
How can i make money on the site
You can register as our member for free, and then watch advertisements on our website every day. We have cooperation with advertisers, every time you watch the advertisement or complete the task in the advertisement, you will get the corresponding reward. Also, you will be able to attract referrals (other employees), and get 10% of their earnings. A referral link is available in your account.
How to attract referrals?
It’s quite easy! There are a lot of different ways. Probably, you have a social network account (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc.) and have friends there. Recommend them our website, and your earnings can be significantly increased. You can send a link to your friends either via SMS or e-mail or through private messages in social networks.
How much can I earn?
Your earnings are practically unlimited and depend on the amount of time you spend in front of the computer, the number of watch ads, and the number of attracted referrals. So, if you spend 1-2 hours a day on work, you can watching 20 ad units and the earnings will be 200 $ per day.
How can I get money?
Money from the system can be withdrawn to a credit card of any bank, Paypal or other convenient payment systems (Western Union, etc.) The withdrawal request is processed on average within 1 working day.

AdsCash - is an effective solution for earning on viewing advertising websites!


01/06/2024 Our registered users exceeded 2500,000

15/04/2024 We add 15 large servers. Make sure the system is running stably.

05/03/2024 Our registered users exceeded 2000,000

30/01/2024 Increased CPS for ad units to 7%!

25/12/2023 We add 10 large servers. Make sure the system is running stably.

20/11/2023 Our registered users exceeded 1200,000

01/10/2023 Added 2 new channel withdrawal functions

29/08/2023 Increased CPS for ad units to 5%!

18/07/2023 Update the software on the server

11/06/2023 Negotiate with advertisers for a 10% increase in fee per registration

19/05/2023 Our registered users exceeded 1 million

28/04/2023 We have moved to a more powerful server. The system runs faster and is now more stable!

03/04/2023 Our registered users exceeded 800,000

03/03/2023 Update the software on the server to optimize operating efficiency.

17/02/2023 Increased CPV for ad units to 5%!

25/01/2023 At the request of system participants, the ability to withdraw funds to Bitcoin wallets has been added.

04/01/2023 At the request of system participants, the ability to withdraw funds to PayPal has been added.

14/12/2022 Negotiate with advertisers for a 5% CPV increase

28/11/2022 Update the software on the server.

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